Thursday 23 June 2011

Warp Screen Printing


Using Reactive Dyes, I tried to screen print a cotton warp. Some of the threads obviously slipped when I put in onto the loom but it wasn't bad for a first atempt and using differnt coloured wefts, interesting effects were achieved. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog via a web search...fascinating!!

    I'm wondering if you could provide more details on your screen printing method? I can't figure out from the photos how you get the warp evenly spaced (across the width of the warp) for printing.

    Also, can you silkscreen with textile paint, or does that just glue the warp together? If you use dyes, do you rinse them out before weaving, and if so, how do you keep the warp from tangling?

    Sorry to have so many questions - I'm fascinated by the possibilities in this technique!

    (My own website is if you want to see my work...I mostly do handwoven, hand-dyed couture, and was thinking screen printed warps might be an interesting addition.)

    If you'd rather email me directly, my email's on my website, on the About Me page (I'd rather not post it here): (bottom of page)

    Thanks for any enlightenment you can shed!
